Avvalendoci di elevate professionalità, i nostri Clienti ricevono dai nostri specialisti di settore un eccellente servicio e consulenza tecnica applicata, favorendo l'individuazione di soluzioni ideali e più aggiornate per l'implementazione di nuovi prodotti.
Hemp Protein
Hemp Protein
Hemp protein is characterized in particular by the unique nutritional values and has a pleasant spicy, almost nutty taste compared to other plant proteins. It consists of 50% protein, 10% fat, 10% carbohydrates, 22% fiber and contains all 21 amino acids. 65% of the protein in hemp protein consists of edestin, an easily digestible protein that is almost identical to the blood plasma protein globulins. In addition, there are no known allergic reactions, making it accessible to a wider range of consumers.
More Food additives
Food additives